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About Value Connect Management Consulting
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The Maxwell Method
The Maxwell Method is our proven system for helping you develop your skills for professional advancement.

Professional Development & Leadership Training
Improve your leadership, speaking, coaching and selling skills with the Maxwell Method.

The Maxwell Speakers Club
Become a better speaker with the Maxwell Method used to train tens of thousands of speakers all over the world.
See our journey
Value Connect grows even more
January 2022
15 Invaluable Laws of Growth – Individual attendees, 2 cohorts studying 8-week mastermind + Maxwell DISC Assessment
Live2Lead Deep Dive Workshops: Kevian Kenya, ICRAF, Hass Petroleum, Hope FM, and EABL teams
February 2022
Love Works – An Effective Leaders Perspective- a rare perspective of love and work that demonstrates that leading with love works. Leading with love can transform a company’s culture by lifting up each other as team members as well as the bottom-line. You can have both!
Companies in attendance: AAR Insurance, Ecobank, Fidelity Insurance, G4S,Nestle Kenya, Unga Limited.
Nestle Women in Technical Workshop – motivate the team to step up to leadership opportunities
Speaker Training: Presentation + Communication skills training
Live2Lead – Women in Business
Live2Lead – Women in Business virtual hosted in partnership with Absa Bank Kenya with a combined attendance of 3500 people on Zoom, YouTube and Facebook live as a grand finale to the Live2Lead 2020 season.
DISC Behavioral Impact Workshops/Leadership Game
AATF Organization across Africa – Stress Management
Oracle Leadership Team
Ecobank Leadership Team
One on one coaching and Mastermind Group sessions
First Female Chair KEPSA – organized 50 women leaders in private sector and public service to a celebration for the first female chair of KEPSA. This was supported by Absa Bank, SBM Bank, KWAL, EABL, Isuzu Kenya, BAT among others. In attendance included 2 Cabinet Secretaries and 3 Principal Secretaries.
Live2Lead 2021
Hosted and organized Live2Lead powered by Value Connect on October 8, 2021. In-person session sold out, impacting over 200 people on the first show. Companies present included AAR Insurance, Absa Bank Kenya, East Africa Breweries Ltd (EABL), Hass Petroleum, Hope FM, ICRAF, Isuzu Kenya, Kenya Airways, KCB bank, Kenya Wine Agencies, (KWAL), Kevian Kenya, Oracle Kenya, Safaricom, Safari Link. Ongoing expansion into neighboring country of Tanzania and other corporates with rebroadcast sessions until end February 2022. Received Live2Lead Global Award from John Maxwell for creating most impact in 2020
Value Connect Growth
Value Connect continued to grow in leaps and bounds despite the advent of the pandemic offering a lot of personal growth programs for both individuals and teams.
Leadershift Mastermind – Karura Community Church
Leadershift Mastermind – AAR Leadership Team
Tala Leadership Team – Stress Management
15 Laws of Invaluable Growth – Standard Media Group Marketing Team
15 Laws of Invaluable Growth – Women Leaders KWAL
Live2Lead 2020 – in partnership with Absa Bank Kenya, Safaricom, Standard Media Group and reached over 1200 participants, and follow up with DISC and Leadership roundtables.
John Maxwell Team Member Certification
Value Connect started offering Customized training in Leadership, Personal and Organizational Development, Customer Management, Communication and Business Growth using John Maxwell resources as a certified John Maxwell Team Member.
Value Connect is a member of Kenya Association of Manufacturers in the service sector and is part of pivotal ongoing conversations with manufacturers on how to help grow export markets for the
country and encourage people development.
October 2019
For the first time hosted the John Maxwell Live2Lead live simulcast in Kenya in partnership with Nation Media Group, Absa Kenya, Kenya Wine Agencies Limited and Serena Hotels. The event targeted senior executives, CEOs and Business Owners. Participants came from AAR, British American Tobacco, GSK, Kengen and Toyota Kenya.
Awareness creation and Recruitment of the Skilled Workers for the Food Industry project.
Value Connect in collaboration with VDMA Germany, Kenya Association of Manufacturers, and Centurion Ltd are creating awareness and recruitment of the Skilled Workers for the Food Industry project. This is a Kenyan-German initiative aimed and bridging the gap and addressing the demand for qualified skilled workers in the Kenyan food processing industry by offering practice-oriented training.
Expansion to Nairobi Kenya
In 2018, Value Connect expanded by opening offices in Nairobi Kenya so as to be closer to its client base. The founder of Value Connect also found that through speaking engagements that a lot of lives were positively impacted and inspired. Value Connect will continue to add value as it connects people and their businesses. If we cannot add value, then we have no business in your business.
2-Day Trade Mission in Dubai
In liaison with the Kenya Consulate General of the Republic of Kenya and Dubai Chamber of Commerce & Industry, Value Connect hosted a group of 24 business people from Kenya in Dubai in a 2- day Trade & Investment mission. On the 3rd day Value Connect hosted a successful diaspora day where different businesses in banking and real estate engaged with Kenyans living and working in Dubai and its environs.
Registration in Dubai, United Arab Emirates
In 2016, Value Connect was formally registered as a company in Dubai, United Arab Emirates and continued to excel in the business linkages and hosting of Trade missions and business forums.
Trade mission to Mozambique for the Kenya Association of Manufacturers
Value Connect organized a one-week Trade mission to Mozambique for the Kenya Association of Manufacturers in a delegation led by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The visit included meetings with government ministries, investment agencies and private sector. The mission also visited Maputo port, Special Economic Zones and the trade market
Business in Mozambique
Value Connect run Business Consultancy for Coca Cola Mozambique on different projects as well as business development for manufacturing companies looking to expand their market base.
Value Connect is Born
Value Connect was first mooted as an informal idea back in 2013, after the founder found herself living in a foreign country after her family moved there. Given her vast knowledge and experience spanning over 20 years working in senior leadership positions, and a proven track record: the founder discovered that she was connecting people to each other effortlessly. She began connecting business people from her country of origin to the foreign country she was living in. Shortly after this was followed by project assignment on business development and market linkages.